Thursday, February 11, 2010

System Development Life Cycle Of Iterative Enhacment Model

This model is useful where developers themselves provide the specification.In other words, requirement is not provided by the user ,but developer make list of the possible requirements and then they make the software and launch it in market.After the feedback from the users are totally.Such changed software is launched in marcket with a different example,Word 95 was released at first,after some time,Word 97 was released with some modification,likewise Word 2000 and Word Xp etc.So,in short what we can say is that this model combines both the models 'Waterfall' and 'Prototype'.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Systen Development Life Cycle of Prototype Model

This model is much suitable for new systems where there is no clear idea of the requirements,inputs and outputs.Instead of developing a full-fledge system,a small prototype(sample,trial product,example model) is developed first.The model is discussed with the client and its shortcoming and requirements are discussed and then only,at the last,the final productis made.It is just like the care that engineers develop a prototype of buildings and designs for big projects,show it to the concern party,then only after consent of the client,the final and the real project is built.steps involved in this model.

System Development Life Cycle Of Waterfall Model

This is the simplest and the most popular model of SDLC.In this model,the phases are organized in a linear order.This model is most suitable for routind type of jobs in which all the problems are already known.It generally has longer completion time because at the end of stes,at least dobument must be presented and analyzed.The activities and steps of this model are presented in the figure given below:
.Feasibility study
.Requirement Analysis and project planning
.System Design
.Detail Design
.Coding and Unit testing
.Systen and Integration testing

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

System Development Life Cycle

SDLC(System Development Life Cycle) is a systematic process of developing any software systems.It is a part of software engineering.IEEE defines it as '...the period that starts when the product is conceived and ends when the software is no longer available for use'. SDLC is composed up of many different steps known as 'System Development Life Cycle'.Here,the point to be noted is that,there are many types of models developed by different software scientists for developing software systems and each of them uses different techniques and steps.some of the popular SDLC approaches are discussed.

Mangement Informarion System(M.I.S)

MIS is a person machine system and a highly integrated grouping of information processing functions designed to provide management with a comprehensive picture of specific operations.

MIS is not new only its computerization is new.Before computers,MIS techniques also existed to supply managers with the information that would permit them to plan and control operations.The computer has added one or more dimensions such as speed,accuracy and increased volume of data.

In general terms, system is the organized collection or arrangement of different parts together such that the function collectively and efficiently.Human body is also made up of different system.If one of the system is out of order,then total system becomes unbalanced.The same happens in case of computers.

Concept of System Development

The term has become quite popular in the recent years.It has been used to describe many different things,particularly those activities required for data processing.Early attempts to apply technology to data processing centered around the development of machines which were capable of performing single data operation more efficiently(e.g. typewriters,calculators,copy machines).The introduction of punch card as a recording medium resulted in the development of various machines(e.g. keypunch,sorter,printer) which perceived the conversion of data into information as a process(hence the term processing).The development of the digital computer and related technology popularized the use of the word systems and a methodology for the development of "system" to satisfy the information required of modern organizations.