Friday, January 22, 2010

Based On Software

The computer software is a set of instructions which makes the hardware parts workable. Generally we can compare the software with oxygen for the human body. As the oxygen needed for human body the software instruction needed the computer hardware to run properly. The computer software can be divided in three main parts.

Types of software

1.Application Software

Those softwares which has particular task are the application software like documentation, presentation, publication etc. Microsoft word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe PageMaker, Photoshop etc are the application software's.

2.System Software
A.Language Processor
The language processor is also a powerful part of the system software which translates different programming codes as required. The language processors can be defined as follows

The interpreter is a program that translates user’s programming language to high lever languages into machine language code and fetches them to the computer to execute. Interpreter translate one statement at a time.

The assembler is the software which translates programs written in assembly language into machine code, which the computer understands. One assembly instruction is converted into machine instruction.

The compiler is a program that translates use’s programming languages or high level languages into machine language code and fetches them to the computer to execute just like the interpreter. Unlike interpreters, compilers translate the whole program instead of the one program instruction.

B.Utility Software

The software which checks the system and manages file to make the system up to date is the utility software. It works as the doctor of the computer. It any error occurs on the computer it automatically fixes it. All the antivirus programs, System tools etc. are the utility software.

3.Operating System
The operating system is the master controller of the computer system. The operating system creates link between hardware and the application software of the computer. It controls entire system and creates environment for different application software.


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