Friday, January 22, 2010

Types of Operating System

1. Command line User Interface(CUI):

In command line user interface the command must be typed for each and every action. MS DOS is the popular CUI operating system. In CUI The user must close the running file to open next new file, user could not work with multiple application at the same time. In CUI Operating system user could not use any pointing device like mouse, touch pad, track ball etc.

2. Graphical User Interface:
In Graphical User interface the user can apply any command or action by the help of pointing devices. Windows, Mac OS are the popular graphical operating systems. In graphical operating system the user can work with multiple applications at the same time, which is known as multi tasking.

MS-DOS ( Microsoft Disk Operating System): Microsoft DOS (Disk Operating System) is a command line user interface. MS-DOS 1.0 was released in 1981 for IBM computers and the latest version of MS-DOS is MS-DOS 6.22, which was released in 1994. While MS-DOS is not commonly used by itself today, it still can be accessed from every version of Microsoft Windows by clicking Start / Run and typing "command" or by typing "CMD" in Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Some points before MS-DOS

Drive Prompt: The drive prompt defines the drive in which you are working.
A: First Floppy Disk Drive B: Second Floppy Drive C: First Partition of the hard disk drive.
D: Second Partition of the hard disk drive.
The last drive (Generally E: or F: ) : CD ROM Drive

2. Directory: Directory defines the root or path where you are creating files or directories. You can store sub-directories and files in a directory. In windows operating system It appears as a folder.

3. Path: path also defines the root where you are creating directory or file. It begins with drive prompt and displays all root directories name to reach to the current directory.

4. Wild Cards: In MS-DOS you can use some characters for special purpose, which are known as wild cards. * (Astrik sign) : Which defines group of character.
? (Question mark) : Which defines individual character.
# You can use these wild cards if you need to copy, cut or delete files or directories having same filename or extension.

5. Filename : It defines the name of the file. You could not create more than two files having same name with in a same directory. It supports only 8 characters as filename.

6. Extension: It defines the nature of the file. As people has different cast same as computer files has different extensions for different applications, files.
.sys : System files
.bat : Batch files
.exe : Executable file
.dll : Dynamic link library files.
.doc : Document file (Microsoft Word)
.xls : Worksheet file (Microsoft Excel)
.ppt : Presentation file (Microsoft Powerpoint)
.gif : Graphics Interchange Format (Image file)
.jpg : Joint photographic expert group (Image file)
.png : Portable Network Graphics (Image file)
.htm/.html: Hyper text markup Language (Webpage format file)

7. System file : Those file having extension .sys, which are required to boot the computer are known as system files. In MS-DOS Three files are required to boot the computer


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