Friday, January 22, 2010

Types Of Booting

Booting of computer can be done in two ways:
Cold Booting
Warm Booting

Cold Booting
When a computer is turned on, computer reads its RAM space and searches for the DOS system files from the disk drives (Floppy drive A:\ or Hard drive C:\). As soon as it finds the system files, those files will be loaded into computer’s memory from A:\ or C:\ drive, this kind of booting is called as Cold Booting.
So cols booting done when your compute is at OFF state, and you put on the power switch of the computer.

Warm Booting
If you are working with your computer and you wish to restart the compute, you simply press CTRL ALT and DEL keys at the same time, and your computer restarts again, searches DOS system files and loads into the computer’s memory. This is termed as Warm Booting. Sometime we press RESET button located nearby POWER button on the compute for warm booting.


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