Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Boolean Number System

Boolean Algebra is an algebra of logic.It is one of the most basic tools to analysis and design logic.It is name after lounge Boolean who developed it in 1854.The original purpose of this algebra was to simply logical statement.And solve logic problems.It had no practical application until 1939 when Shannon applied it to telephone switching circuits.

Logic Gates:
The computer receive store,understand and manipulates information is done by logic operation which are frequently perform in the design of digital system and gate are:AND,OR,NOT,NAND,NOR and X-OR(Exclusive OR).

AND Gate:
AND Gate has two or more inputs but it has only one output.AND input Signal applied to a gate has only two staple eight er 1 or 0.

OR Gate:
An OR Gate is also known as inclusive or gate.It has two or more in pots but only one output of an OR Gate will be high if a Heast anyone of the input is high.The output will be only zero when all inputs are zero.The logical operation will be called OR operation or function.

NOT Gate:
NOT Gate has only one input and only ane output Signal.It is also called inverter.If the input is 1.If the output is 0 then the input is 1.

NAND Gate:
A NAND gates has two or more inputs but only one output.The NAND function is the complement of the AND function.The abbreviation of NAND is a short form of NOT-AND.

NOR Gate:
A NOR gate has two or more inputs but only output.The NOR function is the complement of OR function.OR gate can be combined with an inverter of form a NOR Gate.

X-OR Gate:
The output of X-OR gate is high only when its inputs are different.Its output is low when both inputs A and B are same.

X-NOR Gate:
The X-NOR gate is the complement of X-OR operation.The output of X-Nor is high only when the logic value of both inputs A and B are same.


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